Saturday 16 June 2007

Displaying BBC Newsfeed

Hi... I keep getting people wandering into the virtual Management School we are setting up in Second Life asking questions about what we are up to, which, to be fair to them, may not be obvious. Mainly we are hoping to set up a space for student interaction for both our undergraduate and postgraduate business students. To explain in more detail I thought it would be neat to write a blog answering frequent questions, or discussing what I do.

At the moment the building is a bit empty, but one feature we have put in that visitors ask about is the displaying of BBC news. This was set up as a prototype for an interactive screen to display information about courses. The interactivity is modelled on ceefax, famously according to Gary Lineker the best way to watch Wimbledon (the little-lamented football club, not the tennis... although....), with eight coloured buttons below the screen which can be touched to follow coloured links embedded in the pages. The time lags for the updates are annoying, but I think it is quite sweet. The information about the feeds, which are wml feeds produced for use by mobile phones, was found on the v v helpful website... very much an under-recognised resource.

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